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Hey There!

My name is Elena Harris and I'm a declutter coach in Walla Walla, WA. I started my business in 2019 while attending Walla Walla University. I then graduated with a degree in Business in 2021 and jumped right in to growing my business.


I am passionate about decluttering because I know so many people who struggle to function day-to-day simply due to the clutter in their house. There is so much freedom & peace when you finally get rid of the junk and organize your space into the home it was meant to be.

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My Declutter Story

When I was little, I loved putting everything in its place. Dolls would be all laid out in a line and their clothes sorted by length and color in a tissue box. I had all my keepsakes and makeup laid out on the top of my dresser. If I looked back at my 3-year-old bedroom now I would probably tell her to clean up. But back then I thought it was perfect.


When I was growing up I wanted to be a singer, fiction author, or house designer. However I struggled to stay on key and could never finish writing more than three chapters before getting distracted by a new idea. But organizing, decorating, and house designing were the things I was particularly good at. My room was always beautiful and clutter free. And I would take graph paper and draw the blueprints of mansions and cute little cottages with furniture included. I thrived in beautiful spaces and loved to create them.


As I got a little older, my family began accumulating more and more stuff, I became acutely aware of the stress clutter causes. My mom would get mad about not being able to find things. And my brother always had a mess in his room. I also began to be teased about being OCD due to my somewhat compulsive tidiness. And I began to get in trouble in middle school for throwing things of my mother's away without asking. I wanted to make things better, but I learned quickly that I could only help those who wanted help.


When I started college, I thought I wanted to be a writer or an editor. Then I decided it was more practical to become a high school English teacher and do writing on the side. However, after a taking a year serving in Perú teaching English as a second language, I decided that the classroom was not the place for me. I realized I would rather organize the classroom than teach in it.


So at the beginning of my Junior year of college in 2019, I decided to follow a bigger passion of mine, declutter coaching. After learning about Marie Kondo and other declutter coaches, I realized it was possible to make money doing something I really loved and felt called to do. 


And here I am years later and I still I can't believe I've built the business of my dreams. I get to help people find freedom from clutter and curate the lives they've dreamed of. SERIOUSLY!? I never thought it was possible but, here I am. I'm so honored to give back in a way that brings me so much joy. I can't wait to see where this wild and wonderful adventure takes me next.


If you are struggling with clutter or relate to any part of my story, I'd love to hear from you!

Send me a message using any of the methods on my contact page. 

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